how meditation can help reduce anxiety

Are you finding yourself checking your phone first thing in the morning, being bombarded with negative news? Are you finding it difficult to sleep at night as your mind races with uncertainty? If so, meditation might be a solution you can implement today to help alleviate this anxiety. The reason it is important to address these symptoms is that high levels of continuous stress and a prolonged activated fight or flight system can lead to adrenal fatigue and a compromised immune system. Thus, we must find ways that we can try to deal with the day to day strain and stress we come into contact with. Turning inward to find a sense of connection and anchoring can help in impactful ways. 

Throughout modern society, we have become increasingly aware of the benefits of Meditation. Numerous scientific studies have shown that meditation can reduce anxiety; improve cognitive functions; increase self awareness; and even help within interpersonal relationships. In one study, they utilized MRI’s to show that brain activity within those who meditate daily were impacted positively, not only while they were meditating but also while performing daily tasks. Showing that much like lifting weights at the gym, the internal work you do while meditating, will also help improve your daily life. 

Meditation can help us regain control over the “monkey mind”, a state in which the constant flow of thoughts (often negative in an untrained mind) can leave us lost in a fog of anxiety. Slipping continually into alternate realities created by our own minds. It is estimated the average person has over 70,000 thoughts a day. Especially with Covid-19, when there are so many unknowns and a flow of negative stories. We may find ourselves unable to detach even for a moment of peace. We recognize, it is important to stay connected to our communities and be informed about what is happening within the world. However, it is equally important for the health of our communities, that we stay as healthy as possible. As healthy individuals we are more capable of dealing with these unprecedented times armed with the strength and mental clarity our family and communities need from us.   

New to meditation and don’t know where to start? Luckily, meditation can come in many different forms, so you can find a form that works best for you. Meditation does not only mean sitting in a cross legged position and chanting for hours on end. You can go for a meditative walk, you can listen to a guided meditation (here is a link of a free guided meditation for you to try). Or you can even introduce mindfulness into your daily life, for example enjoying a meal and really taking the time to enjoy the meal. Without distractions (music, TV, reading, talking), just allow yourself the time to focus on a single task at hand and really pay attention to what it is you are doing with your whole awareness. Mindfulness is simple but it is not easy, it is the practice of bringing yourself to this present moment and allowing yourself a mental break. Try out several different forms of meditation to connect with a form that resonates with you. Start out small, 5 plus minutes a day and then slowly start to work your way up. Perhaps include journaling to see how meditation helps you gain a greater sense of self awareness and reduce anxiety. Sending you all so much love and light, as we get through this together.


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